Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

It is not easy for executives to pause, take leave from the fast-moving pace of their business, and embark on a strategic planning process. At the same time, they might think, "Isn't this something that only the very big companies do?" Just the name "strategic planning" conjures up the vision of too many people attending too many meetings and spending too much money. One person we spoke with recently commented, "It seemed like we spent a lot of money and time developing information, and then pretty much just came up with what we already knew."

It doesn't have to be that way. Regardless of the size of your company, a good strategic plan should be the cornerstone of your focused sales planning efforts. Strategic planning does not have to be expensive or overly time consuming. It does require, however, a management team that wants the answers to the questions, "Are we moving in the right direction? What is the right direction?" sales consulting believes that in order to have a sustained and successful sales effort, every company has to determine for themselves:

  • How can we become more focused?
  • What can we do to become more effective?
  • How can we make our sales force more productive and efficient?
  • How can we be become more successful?
sales consulting can guide you through a simplified, cost effective and time conserving strategic program. You will be surprised at how easily you can take the step into formalizing your future plans. You will understand better the three central questions of:
  • What are we going to sell.
  • To whom are we going to sell it.
  • How can we overcome the competition in the process